Friday, April 16, 2010

Work Under Progress.....

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Copenhagen Accord

Copenhagen-The place where the historical UN Climate change conference  was held.All the world leaders had came there.The presence of them itself had signified the importance of the conference because what was at stake was the planet.Mother Earth had expected a lot , the common man had expected a lot...Its perhaps the reason why Copenhagen had become synonymous with HOPEnhagen.

But what did we get??????

What did our leaders give us????

The Copenhagen Accord,a deal just in the namesake... After Rio & Kyoto Copenhagen too has given us nothing.Then why did the world leaders make a mockery of the people????

The brain behind the deal was Mr.Obama and some of the so called BASIC leaders...Now an interesting thing about Obama is that he's less of a leader and more of a performer,an orator par excellence.Even though he does nothing he's able to convince that he's doing something...And Dr.Singh I think he ought to shift to USA anyway he's doing slavery for them then why trouble Indian's???In my opinion if someone could stand up to the US lobbying was the European Union but here they too were just mere spectators...

In short our leaders have let us down...

No leagally binding cuts no specific or compulsory targets no nothing...There's nothing in that accord which is strong enough to save the planet from Doomsday....

Now some say China was the major factor why the deal is in such a pathetic state.The second biggest polluter but still not ready to do anything to stop it...But can we blame the Chinese or Indians...When more than millions of people there are without electricity without any means of livelihood can we ask them to stop industrialization,NO,its not fair.Its like asking them to turn off the light bulb which they don't have.Then who has to do it???

Yes its the developed world who are the cause of this problem and who have to take the major responsibility in tackling climate change.But the interesting thing is that they too are shying away from the responsibility then how can anyone expect the developing countries to do so??? The USA which is acting as the "Savior Of The World" ...what have they done.They didn't even sign the Kyoto Protocol.I would like to say to them "First you do something,then ask others to do so...First you stop building nuclear arsenals,stop polluting industries,stop wars... and then ask the world...Then only will they hear you"

"It looks like we are being offered 30 pieces of silver to betray our people and our future," said Ian Fry of Tuvalu, a tiny Pacific island whose very existence is threatened by rising seas....Can anyone point out anything wrong in what he said????? The proposed 100billion aid wont be enough to protect the planet only if the developed countries show some will and a genuine interest in tackling it can we do something.

Till yesterday I thought only the leaders are responsible for the problems but after reading an article I understood the fact that if we cant do it then how can we expect our leaders to do something????
I we cant turn off fans&lights, save water, reduce garbage,follow the three R's of Reduce,Reuse& Recycle we have got no right to expect anything from anyone...Some people show an entirely indifferent attitude towards climate change.

Now its December supposed to be the winter season here but can anyone say that its cold,I guess we will think if this was winter then what would be summers like??.Can't we see for ourselves the seasons cycle has changed, the climate is changing irregular rainfall droughts and floods at the same place,mangoes in December apples in March,tsunami,cyclones,heat waves,excessive snowfall, melting of the glaciers  where is the world going towards??? DOOMSDAY ?????

What we need is a change...A change from what is going on and what has been done from centuries and that change must begin within ourselves...The time is running out.The doomsday clock is ticking.Start from now.One person can't make a change but if everyone in this world does something for Mother Earth we can save her .Its now our never.Remember the clock is ticking...

For those of you who don't know what to do here are some tips....

1. Be optimistic! Solving the problem of climate change is possible! Learn the facts about climate change.Get Involved.

2.Stop using disposable plastic bags at the grocery store, only 3 percent of which are recycled each year. Instead, buy reusable grocery bags.

3.Unplug your cell phone charger when it’s not in use, as well as other appliances around the apartment.Turn off computer's when not in use.

4.Use both sides of paper and then recycle. Only 9 percent of the 8 million tons of paper used each year is recycled. Print double-sided

5.When you leave a room, turn off the lights

6.Switch from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent light bulbs.
7.Cut as much beef out of your diet as possible. The meat industry is responsible for 18 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions

8.Recycle your newspaper.

9.Ride the bus as often as possible or ride your bike or walk wherever possible.

10. Have a box set aside for recycling in your room — paper, cans, plastic and glass.

11. Take shorter showers.

12. Reuse wrapping paper, bows and ribbons.

13. Recycle your batteries to reduce the 179,000 tons of them that end up in landfills each year.